This photo album is the result of the contribution of friends, clients and hosts. The photos were taken at the places we visited during our birding trips. Through this gallery we want to share the beauty of the birds found in Uruguay. We thank the authors for making it possible and invite others to join as well.
Acknowledgments: D. Niz from Aves Del Uruguay Blogspot; Bill Pohley from PohleyPhoto (pohleyphoto.smugmug.com); Tinambú Eco-lodge (pasocenturion.com.uy).

By Tinambú Eco-Lodge. Paso Centurión, Uruguay. pasocenturion.com.uy/

By Birding With Me Laguna de Rocha, Uruguay

By Birding With Me Laguna de Rocha, Uruguay

By Tinambú Eco-Lodge. Paso Centurión, Uruguay. pasocenturion.com.uy/

By Tinambú Eco-Lodge. Paso Centurión, Uruguay. pasocenturion.com.uy/

By Tinambú Eco-Lodge. Paso Centurión, Uruguay. pasocenturion.com.uy/

By Bill Pohley

By Bill Pohley

By Bill Pohley

By D.Niz Aves del Uruguay Blogspot

By D.Niz Aves del Uruguay Blogspot

By D.Niz Aves del Uruguay Blogspot

By D. Niz Aves del Uruguay Blogspot

By Ian Misselbrook

By Bill Pohley pohleyphoto.smugmug.com/